Monday, June 15, 2009


Hello... I feel so lonely today. Not one single submission for my Paint Chip Fun Project :(


since I'm a resourceful woman,

I did a little research on paint chip art and...

OMG check these out !!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, paint chip cookies byBAKE AT 350...period.

Cool print over tomato red paint chip by PAPERSTORIES.

Paint chip tree and butterfly by EVERYTHING IS RANUNCULUS.

Last, but not least, my submission.
(It actually does look "least" compared to the paint chip cookies.)

Paint chip blinds !!!!!!

I know, I didn't really glue them, but if you got some old blinds and want to give them a new look, why not ?

See ya next Monday with more pc art, and see ya tomorrow (hopefully) with more updates.


  1. Paint chip blinds, you clever girl! I am in love with those paint chip cookies. They are almost too cute to eat. Almost.

  2. That's brilliant - paint chips on the blinds! And I never thought those things could look good!

    Sorry about my absence, V. I've been sick the past 3 days, just not myself at all. I'm going to do a project, soon, though - I even have it in my head!

  3. hey, love your blind idea. these are all really fun. i actually picked up some paint chips two weeks ago, but haven't had a chance to create with them yet. but when i do, i'll send you a link. :)

  4. I just picked up some more today and I will have a submission next time.....

  5. OMG!!! I love the blinds! I don't have a submission, but I do have an award for you! Go to my blog!

  6. Aw I feel really bad now :(
    but I refuse to do any more pcfp without glue! :)

    Those cookies have made me hungry...

  7. oh the butterfly is so nice! and the last is it best in my opinion! :) and pleaase don`t show me coockies, now i`m hungry because of you :D :D :D

  8. Brilliant. Could you come to the flatlands and do that to my blinds? They are so old and dreary. Very clever.

    p.s. I LOVE Charlie Harper art, too!
