Sunday, August 9, 2009

Frustrated Woman's Diary

When I first saw this painting by Louis Stern (first image), I thought it was a woman wearing a low neck top just like in my sketch. I like to subtract too... I mean, taking pieces away from a rectangle or square to see what you get, then deciding what it is, then evolving it. It's a way to give birth to surprises. You can see it in the second image ? Can you see how the girl's arms ended up outside the rectangle in my sketch ?

I'm planning on painting today, hope today's the day. I get so frustrated when I can't. (I often forget this is a blog and not a diary, and that there's actually people reading it...shhhhhh).

I'm posting a couple more sketches to see if you can guess what they are...or what they're about to be once turned into art work.

Hubby just called: "I'm hungry, on my way home,

can we barbecue ? "

He'll have to eat "barbecued paint" cause nothing is

stopping me from painting today.



  1. Hi!

    I really like your blog.

    I just started mine, and i would really appreciate it if you read it and told me what you think.

    - Jill

  2. How fun and interesting to see your sketches, and the process behind your paintings! The last one reminds me of the seats in a movie theater. The one above that - a person and a cat. Cool!

  3. I just started mine, and i would really appreciate it if you read it and told me what you think.

    Work From Home
